VVVViewer is an experimental approach to displaying VVVV patches (or better: the XML code they're base on) within your browser.

On the internet, discussions about textual programming problems usually include snippets of sourcecode, placed right in the middle of running text. With VVVV patches, it is not that easy. Describing patching problems often involves either a verbal description of a patch, or attached resources like screenshots or the actual .v4p file.

Tested with Google Chrome and Firefox 4.

1. Render VVVV XML within page

Here is some VVVV XML Code, which shows a way to shuffle a spread:
<!DOCTYPE PATCH  SYSTEM "D:\charanim\movvvve2\vvvv_40beta23.3\bin\40alpha23.dtd" >
   <NODE componentmode="InABox" id="6" nodename="IOBox (Value Advanced)" systemname="IOBox (Value Advanced)">
   <BOUNDS height="100" left="1395" top="870" type="Node" width="100">
   <BOUNDS height="1365" left="1395" top="870" type="Box" width="795">
   <PIN pinname="Rows" slicecount="1" values="5">
   <PIN pinname="SliceCount Mode" slicecount="1" values="ColsRowsPages">
   <PIN pinname="Y Output Value" visible="1">
   <PIN pinname="Y Input Value" slicecount="5" values="1,2,3,4,5">
   <NODE componentmode="InABox" id="5" nodename="IOBox (String)" systemname="IOBox (String)">
   <BOUNDS height="270" left="1260" top="510" type="Node" width="945">
   <BOUNDS height="270" left="1260" top="510" type="Box" width="945">
   <PIN pinname="Input String" slicecount="1" visible="0" values="|the spread:|">
   <PIN pinname="Output String" visible="0">
   <PIN pinname="Show Grid" slicecount="1" values="0">
   <NODE componentmode="Hidden" id="4" nodename="GetSlice (Spreads)" systemname="GetSlice (Spreads)">
   <BOUNDS height="100" left="2145" top="4215" type="Node" width="100">
   <PIN pinname="Input" visible="1">
   <PIN pinname="Bin Size" slicecount="1" values="1">
   <PIN pinname="Index" visible="1">
   <PIN pinname="Output" visible="1">
   <LINK dstnodeid="4" dstpinname="Input" srcnodeid="6" srcpinname="Y Output Value">
   <NODE componentmode="Hidden" id="3" nodename="Count (Value)" systemname="Count (Value)">
   <BOUNDS height="100" left="3510" top="2655" type="Node" width="100">
   <PIN pinname="Input" visible="1">
   <PIN pinname="Count" visible="1">
   <LINK dstnodeid="3" dstpinname="Input" srcnodeid="6" srcpinname="Y Output Value">
   <NODE componentmode="Hidden" id="2" nodename="RandomSpread (Spreads)" systemname="RandomSpread (Spreads)">
   <BOUNDS height="100" left="2400" top="3135" type="Node" width="100">
   <PIN pinname="Input" slicecount="1" visible="1" values="0">
   <PIN pinname="Width" slicecount="1" values="1">
   <PIN pinname="Random Seed" slicecount="1" values="0">
   <PIN pinname="Spread Count" visible="1">
   <PIN pinname="Output" visible="1">
   <LINK dstnodeid="2" dstpinname="Spread Count" srcnodeid="3" srcpinname="Count">
   <NODE componentmode="Hidden" id="1" nodename="Sort (Spreads)" systemname="Sort (Spreads)">
   <BOUNDS height="100" left="2400" top="3630" type="Node" width="100">
   <PIN pinname="Input" visible="1">
   <PIN pinname="Former Index" visible="1">
   <LINK dstnodeid="1" dstpinname="Input" srcnodeid="2" srcpinname="Output">
   <LINK dstnodeid="4" dstpinname="Index" srcnodeid="1" srcpinname="Former Index">
   <NODE componentmode="InABox" id="7" nodename="IOBox (Value Advanced)" systemname="IOBox (Value Advanced)">
   <BOUNDS height="100" left="1410" top="4890" type="Node" width="100">
   <BOUNDS height="1365" left="1410" top="4890" type="Box" width="795">
   <PIN pinname="Rows" slicecount="1" values="5">
   <PIN pinname="SliceCount Mode" slicecount="1" values="ColsRowsPages">
   <PIN pinname="Y Output Value" visible="1">
   <PIN pinname="Y Input Value" visible="1">
   <LINK srcnodeid="4" srcpinname="Output" dstnodeid="7" dstpinname="Y Input Value">

2. Load and display remote file

rotatings_quad.v4p (display)

3. Paste VVVV Code

Paste your VVVV here: